I wanted to add my thoughts about the Columbus Show.  This was my first
show ever so I have absolutely nothing to compare it to-and this is coming
from someone whose ferret was involved in the albino "mix-up".  Being told
that my ferret might not be mine was one of the single-most scariest
moments of my life!  But that mix-up was handled and resolved quickly with
sincere apologies!  I am a person who does not like large crowds so the
congestion did bother me somewhat, but as the day progressed and the crowd
thinned, getting around became easier.  I'm sure a bigger hall would erase
that problem.  As for the scores.  One of my guys was one of the first
ferrets judged in the championship rings-at around 11:30.  When his scores
were still not at out 5:00, I finally asked someone-who pointed me to
someone, who pointed me to a third person who immediately set out to
correct the problem!  Everyone I dealt with was sincere in their concern
and within 5 minutes, I had my scores!  I did not feel once that no one
"cared".  Once I pointed out the oversight-it was made a priority and fixed
at once-with many apologies!  I think that this show has the potential to
be a great show.  There were alot of fine people behind it who really
wanted it to be a great show and who pushed to make it so, but space and
the sheer number of people and ferrets involved made it impossible!  I saw
alot of hardworking people doing the best they could in a less than ideal
setting.  I think they deserve a big HOORAH!
Della and the Tumbleweeds                     AIM <imjudella2>
Judy Cooke                                             ICQ # 12094923
Tyson (with the big ears!)
and Einstein(6th in Chocolate and 10th in Ring 2)
"The world is made up for the most part of morons and natural tyrants,
sure of themselves, strong in their own opinions, never doubting
anything." Clarence Darrow
[Posted in FML issue 2793]