Hi all,
Had a busy weekend and wanted to brag about ferrets and such, but was just
so upset at this new nitpicking going on.....Judy, all I can say is have a
really good time on your vacation and...I guess some people did NOT read
your signature byline that you post at the end of every message you put on
here....every time I read it, it makes me think of the grace and composure
that you and many others on this list have when it comes to giving advice
or helping in any way you can in a non-judgemental way to people old and
new to this list.  I know that you will treat whoever has responded in a
bad way with style and respect and you should be proud of yourself for not
stooping to flame level.
My deepest sympathy to those who have lost their dear babies...Max, David
and Sonia, and Gracie...sorry to hear about your friend and he is in my
thoughts...I'm glad that the dept. gave Max a funeral that he deserved.
Elisa....KUDOS to you for finding alternate ways to take care of your
fuzzies in the time left on your lease....so many would be paralyzed with
fear of losing their home that they would think the only option would be
to give their fuzzies up.  I know from time to time other people post of
having to do this on this list, I hope you stick around even though your
fuzzies aren't there with you (to share stories of their antics and such)
so that maybe you could help others with some ideas on how to temporarily
find fosters for their kids if they are in the same circumstances.  Good
luck on finding good fosters for all of them, and in finding the strength
to to just "visit" with them for awhile...just keep reminding yourself it
is not forever.  Such a truly devoted Momster you are!
Judith, glad to hear that Nicky is doing better...why is it that these
little one lose their hind end use so frequently even though it's obviously
not a nuerological origin?  Finny is still weak in his hind end, (just from
exposure and starvation mind you) but everyday he gets better balanced and
more playful....seeking out ferrety things to do like the other kids...
And what a BIG boy he is getting to be...he has put on 1.2 pounds in two
weeks' time....amazing!
Dooks to all and peace....
Michele & the 8-iz-enuff crew
PS- I know it's not really ferret related, but just have to brag...my
dachsy/terrier mix, Johhny Handsome, took home the "Mutt-of the Year"
award at the benefit to raise funds for our local animal shelter, for the
2nd year in a ROW!!!!  He will be 13 in April & is still as handsome as
ever!!!!  Joe & I managed to raise 107.00 for the dog walk there also!!!
[Posted in FML issue 2818]