Hey guys! -->waves<--
Lotsa talk wately! Wow!
BoBo an' Sneezy pulled me aside fwom t'eir new fwiends Tiffy an' Baby to
ask me to tell dere hoomans dat dey're havin' a ball... an' cheerios, an'
ferretone an'... Well, dey're twying ev'ryt'ing!
Ren an' Spunky's hooman asked how dey were goin', so I pulled 'em outta de
Mirror Wake where dey've been pwacticin' divin' for waisins.  Dey said to
say dat dey're havin' a heap o' fun an' have made heapsa new fwiends here.
Dey were in kinda a huwwy, cause dey almos' had dat waisin!  Dunno why dey
don' twy de All You Can Eat Waisin Bar.
I'm gonna go join BoBo, Snezy, Tiff an' Baby now, dey wook wike dey're
havin' fun!
Buh Bye!
Visit some of my fwiends!
[Posted in FML issue 2792]