Those of you who have seen my posts will know that I rarely post and only
when I have a question or something positive to say.  However, reading Judy
Cooke's post really riled me.  I do not know the lady in person but from
her emails both on the FML and personally I feel justified in what I'm
going to say.  Judy has struck me as a warm, caring, generous person who
loves her own animals and cares deeply for others too.  She would never do
anything to endanger any animal let alone her own.  She helps shelters, has
donated often, etc.  and is a very supportive person to talk to.  Please,
please think before you hit that send button.  We need to be there for each
other not keep tearing each other apart.  Didn't your mother ever tell you
that if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all!!!
Laurel and the outraged fuzzies
[Posted in FML issue 2817]