My condolences to everyone who has lost their baby or has one that's sick.
And now, it's soapbox time.  Off and on, we all write silly stories about
our fuzzies, i.e., that they are members of the FLO, the teleport, silly
things they do, our really neat Millenium Memo from God (Hey, God-tried to
e-mail you personally but it came back, so want to tell you how great it
was), the story of the Elvis impersonator that lives at Judy Cooke's house.
I read today, much to my consternation, of another person who is thinking
of taking a 'hiatus' from this post because of personal attacks on her
and her posts.  Her posting of her 'singing ferret doing the Elvis
impersonation' being called stupid just about put the cork to me.  I do
not know, nor do I care who is doing the personal attacks, and let me tell
you now, I think all this should come to a halt.
Judy also wrote that she came under attack for taking her boys with her to
North Carolina.  Well, did the person doing the attack there nail anyone
for wanting to take their babies camping?????  Judy would never have taken
her boys into a dangerous situation--she had been in contact with her son,
knew the routes, etc.  As for her taking a trip to Vegas, what business is
this of anybody's????  Aren't the raffles that are held, other little
things done in this vein a form of gambling???
I can remember a while back when poor Skeeter came under attack and had to
go into hiding for quite some time.  Now I wonder how many of us will have
our stories called stupid if we feel like sharing them.  I have watched the
fire and flames here on the FML until I'm almost afraid to post something,
and that is a shame.  We are a listing made up of an extremely diverse
group of people, all with knowledge to share, and hopefully humor to pass
along.  We are also made up of people in need-in need to ask questions,
seek solace when one of our babies dies.  And if all this keeps up, the
people in need of solace and help are going to be afraid to ask or post,
for fear of someone personally writing to them and attacking them.  As to
the people who request help monetarily, use your own judgement, give over
here and quit trying to nail their asses to the courthouse walls.  If you
want to voice your opinion for pity sakes read the posting several times
before you mail it.  Think how you'd feel if this were directed at you-if
you were having a hard time of it and were forced to ask for assistance-
would you like to see this?  As for them turning around a getting another
ferret, perhaps they've just saved that ferret's life.  You don't know,
only God would know on this one.
Before the person who wrote to Judy swings in on me, let me just ask you,
or tell you, don't.  I don't know who you are, nor do I want to know.
Obviously you and Judy have some sort of difference going on.  However, I
would suggest before your anger eats you up, stop it, now.  Maybe Judy
insulted you, maybe you insulted her (if you called her the names she gave
in today's poste, well, yeah, that's kind of an insult), but it's time to
call a halt to this.
I've been a member of this list for well over a year now, and suddenly it
seems like the fighting, back lashing, bickering is totally out of hand.  I
know that Bill can't do anything when someone attacks another through their
own e-mail at home, but perhaps we can use our own judgement.  If you
receive one e-mail slamming you, and I don't mean a mild criticism, a
question, etc., I mean a hurtful, nasty slam, either block this person or
delete their mail, don't read it.  Bill, I ask of you, if this starts again
on the FML with people slicing and dicing, can you please just delete
these?  We're here to help, not hurt, and we are not only hurting each
other, we're hurting our babies because we'll stop exchaning ideas and
Rebecca & the Crew of Merry Mayhem
Rebecca McFarlane
Basic Medical Sciences
School Veterinary Medicine
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN  47907-1246
Phone:   765-494-8632
Fax:     765-494-0781
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy and taste
good with ketchup"
P.S.  I am NOT slamming those who take their babies camping.  I think
that's great if they can share that.  I'm just trying to get the point
across that people do various activities/trips, and do they get slammed...
[Moderator's note: I hardy *ever* have been forwarded private flames
someone received as a result of posting on the FML.  I think, for the
most part, people have handled these things privately.  So, I don't know
who is doing it, but, I agree it's not, umm, well, it's not a great thing.
(If one day there is a book of famous poorly-worded moderator's notes, the
above surely would make it into that book.)  I may or may not be able to
step in and help -- depends on the situation -- but I have to know who is
doing it to even try.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 2817]