I just wanted to chime in with my opinion on Kevin Gilbert and Desert Moon.
My husband and I went to check out the ferrets a few weeks ago because he
had retired breeders for adoption.  (Congrats to Harley's new owner).  All
of Kevin's ferrets were clean and healthy.  All appeared happy and well
cared for.  The cages were clean, they all had nice hammocks and toys to
play with.  We didn't end up taking Harley (mainly because hubby is looking
for that mythical dog-sized ferret) but we may buy a kit when he breeds
Hans.  I don't know him except from visiting once and have no reason to
tell anything but the truth.  He seemed like a very good breeder and I
would recommend him to anyone.
Melissa and
Meeko, Percy, Snoopy and Bear
[Posted in FML issue 2815]