The Washington State Ferret Association has gone through some
reorganization.  Michael McKinley has stepped down as director due to
time constraints.  The board has elected Liane Beckwith as acting director.
Supporting her are Charleen Shuster (Secretary), Lorayn Ham (Treasurer),
and Danielle Frye (PR/Public Events).  Ballots are being sent to membership
with nominations for board members for 2000, along with October's and
December's special events and fund raiser's.  All the members are
encouraged to vote.
A special heartfelt thanks to Lorayn Ham and Sandi Ackerman for "leaping
tall buildings with a single bound" and saving two ferrets from Everett
Animal Control.  One little guy (who was found as a stray on the docks)
was about to meet his end, when these two interceded.  He has been named
"Humphrey" and has the most loving personality.  The other one is safe with
Sandi.  Anyone who is in the Everett, WA area and can help with education
to the public about the situation up there would be greatly appreciated.
When a ferret is turned in, the person turning in the ferret is told that
"they will hold the ferret for 3 days to see if it's owner will claim it"
and "we have people we call who rescue these animals." The calls to the
rescue are inconsistent, and the ferret is put under in 24 hours --
especially if it looks ill.  Ferrets are not the only ones who are put
down.  Essentially, if it is not a dog or cat -- it's over (I was told of
a big, beautiful Iguana that was given up and immediately put down!)  I
understand 'policy,' what I don't understand is telling a person one thing,
then doing another.  If the public is informed that if they take a ferret
(or other exotic) to Everett Animal Control that the animal will be
immediately put to sleep, they may try to contact the rescue (or even the
humane society, who will contact us) before surrendering the ferret.  If
anyone has any suggestions or contacts, it would be greatly appreciated.
We are excited about our planning our upcoming events for Halloween and
Christmas and will post as information becomes available.  Thanks to all
who support us!
Liane Novick Beckwith
Acting Director
Washington State Ferret Association
[Posted in FML issue 2815]