I've done some researches and reading before I bought my ferret (which is
one years old) and I've been keeping him for bout approx 3 months already.
Ferrets are rather rare from where I'm from (South East Asia, to be more
exact Malaysia), so it's pretty hard to find ferret lovers to exchange
tips and comparisons of ferrets.  I have a few questions so if you're
up to answering it ... thanks in advance ... and if you feel like giving
me personal advices, please do so by e-mailing me ... thanks again in
advance ... now the questions begin :
1) Socrates (my ferret) eats a lot ... a bit too much ... I now feed him
only 3 times a day (regular meals) and nothing more ... he drinks water
which is just fine ... am I doing this right?
2) whenever I'm back from college, I let Socrates out from the cage ...
he'll immediatly start jumping around excitedly (a fast caterpillar walk)
and whenever I try to approach him, he'll back away from me and gives me
that 'get me if you can!' sort of face ... is this normal?
3) he enjoys trying to tear my fingers (biting) ... giving him a smack on
his nose lessens the biting ... but at times he will still give me a nip...
4) is it too late to remove his musk glands to remove the smell?  (approx
1-2 years old ferret) Not that the smell really annoys me ... in fact I
find it rather ... musky ... but not bad as in the BAD way ...
5) any tricks I can teach him?  :)
andrew s.
[Posted in FML issue 2815]