I forgot.  5-6 years ago, before I bought our house, we lived in a mobile
home and had to evacuate because of a tornado heading our way.  At that
time I had 30+ free roam ferrets.  It took us 15 minutes to round up
everyone in 6 carriers with food/water and blankies.  Would have been less
time if I'd had carriers set up ahead of time.  There were 4 of us stuffing
ferrets in carriers and I was the only one that knew who everyone was so it
took a bit longer because I had to check who was in what carrier and make
sure the singles didn't get stuffed in with the bullies, but when time is
in a crunch it wouldn't have made any difference as long as everyone was in
the carriers.  So for a time schedule this might give you an idea of how
long it might take.  We made it to the shelter in plenty of time and the
tornado went right over us but didn't touch down so the trailer was fine.
I learned from this experience that when time is of the essence, don't
worry about who goes in which carrier, just stuff.  Keep an accurate count
and recount before walking out the door.  Have someone (one person) loading
the kennel and have them keep count too.  You can never have too many
counters (people counting that is).  While someone is recounting you can be
checking all those out of the way hidey holes to make sure no one is
Hugs. tle
Troy Lynn Eckart
Ferret Family Services
Please sign up to support our charity
[Posted in FML issue 2815]