Hey and Dooks to all the furkids !!
Been reading the posts about preparing an emergency stash in case of a
disaster, etc.  Basically, two points of advice
There is no area, no state, that is not susceptible to a natural or
technological disaster.  There is always a possibility of some sort of
disaster befalling you.  Even in states with low incidences of natural
disasters (hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes) there are incidents which
can affect you.  Consider a major power outage, fires in chemical plants,
rail / air disasters.  Even if a truck carrying hazardous cargo overturns
on a highway miles from you.  Plumes of chemical fumes and smoke can reach
you.  You may have to evacuate, maybe even for days.
I was an Emergency Management Volunteer in New Jersey for over 14 years.
I was trained in Hazardous Materials, Natural Disasters, Evacuations, etc
(and yes, NJ can have a severe earthquake, there are faults under the
state).  I received training through the county, NJ State Police, and
Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Currently I am trained through the Portland Oregon Fire Bureau as a
Neighborhood Emergency Team member.  In the event of a major disastor, we
would be called upon to assist the authorities.  Check with your local
authories (Civil Defense, Emergency Management, etc for citizens programs
in your community.  The knowledge alone is well worth it.
I have always had what I call my "E-KIT", basically an emergency kit of
supplies I would need to sustain the initial period of an evacuation or
disaster.  Most authorities will tell you that you need to be prepared to
sustain yourself for the first 72 hours after a major emergency.  Police,
Fire, EMS will be busy elsewhere.
I am fortunate that given my job (Maintenance Manager) that I have areas
to keep additional supplies.  I have a fully loaded backpack with essential
items in the hall closet by the exit door.  My van contains tools for
extrication, firefighting supplies, emergency lighting, survival food bars,
blankets, first aid kit, and 10 gal drinking water among other things I
normally use on the job like hardhats and facemasks.
My shop contains 3 trunks - one with camping supplies, one with emergency
food, and one just for the animals.  It contains food, litter, a
collapsable cage, harnesses, blankies, toys, well - a whole bunch of stuff.
There is also a 15gal drum containing drinking water.
Having supplies in several areas is beneficial.  If items in one area are
damaged or destroyed, others are available.  Having plenty of items on hand
would also help me to assist my friends and neighbors that may need it.
Check the Federal Emergency Management website <http://www.fema.gov>
or the National Red Cross (ummm - don't have the URL) for information
about preparing for emergencies.  They have lists that suggest the items
you may need.
Getting everything together was a hassle and having duplicates or
triplicates of everything was a tad expensive.  But it gives me peace of
mind knowing that it's there if I need it.  But believe me, I pray I never
have to use it.
Kevin B and the Way Kewl Critter Crew
~Furrice~Simon~Lacey~Hershey~Sprite~Socks~Cuddles~Java~Rascal~Miss Priss~
Guest STAR - ~Fur-Angel Lady~
Cast Appearance by - Min-Pins Geordi , Jaida, and Spice
Missing our friends - Kimo the Sumo Cat (and Honorary Fert) and
fellow ferts ~Petey~, ~Nibbler~, ~Max~, ~Romeo~, and ~Bandit~
Saying "Hey!" to ~Pandora~, ~Noser~ and the rest of the Tennessee
Brat Pack !!
[Posted in FML issue 2815]