>From:    Trish Gelvin <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: vaccine reaction & stress questions
>I am wondering if there has ever been a study regarding the possibility of
>a connection to stress and vaccine reacations?
Thats been our pet theory for a while now.  We feel with the apparently
uncomfortably high rate of reactions that it is best to have vaccinations
seperated from other procedures.  Even the two shots at the same time might
be a problem since the sstress from the first might make the second more
risky if this theory is realistic.
>From:    Judy Gronwold <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: Big Boys & White Russian
>If you got a big ferret that was a late neuter, he wouldn't smell anymore
>than your other ferrets.  If you got a whole hob, he would only get really,
>really smelly when in rut.  The rest of the time, while you could tell the
>difference, it wouldn't be very bad at all.
>I'm no expert, but this has been my admittedly limited experience...three
>hobs, all three late neuters.
For not being an expert you sure said that well.  Much like an expert.
Well only thing might be to explain why males in rut stink.  Same reasons
as billy goats.  Ferret hobs and goat bucks have the weirdest sense of what
makes a good cologne - urine.  They get sticky and stinky and generaly
unacceptable to us humans.  But the jills and does go wild.  <shrug>  So
would you nice ladies reading the list want us guys to wet our pants before
a date?  Didn't think so...
bill  (Though diane agrees on this stuff)
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
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[Posted in FML issue 2815]