>From:    William Killian - Zen and the Art of Ferrets <[log in to unmask]>
>>From:    "K. Crassi" <[log in to unmask]>
>>Well, yes, I do.  Most of the time.  I have been known to wardance buck
>>nekkid with the ferrets though.  :-D
>So do you sell tickets to watch as a shelter fund raiser?  <ducking real
Actually I bet people would pay to NOT see me dance like that.  So how
about it?  If you'll send a donation to the shelter, I promise not to
come down there and jiggle around in the nude. ;-D
>From:    Deborah Adams <[log in to unmask]>
>I caught Patch eating some rat food yesterday...the compressed pellet type.
>Will this be bad for Patch's digestive system or am I just a panicking
>first-time ferret owner?
Don't panic, I doubt it will hurt him.  Won't be very nutritious, but it
probably won't hurt him.  That stuff turns into mush if it gets wet enough,
so I doubt you'd have to worry about blockage either.
>Also, yesterday Patch's bowel movements were accompanied by loud farting
>noises.  Is this normal or am I just a panicking first-time ferret owner?
Was this after he ate the lab blocks? :-)  Could have been all that fiber.
Pass the Beano please.
>Lily's had a bowel movement yesterday that looked like translucent amber,
>but today her poop looked normal.  Should I be worried?
Once I wouldn't worry too much about one occassion.  If it happens
repeatedly, then possibly I would worry.
>And, why is it that becoming a ferret owner seems to involve an obsession
>with ferret poop?
Same thing happens with bird owners, and probably cat owners, dog owners....
Poop-watching is part of the fun!
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