As a small shelter, 10 is my maximum INCLUDING my personal ferrets.  I also
have 3 indoor cats.  I don't have the room for any more critters than this
unless it is a VERY SERIOUS EMERGENCY!  Space, money, time, etc.
I have enough carriers to hold 10 ferrets and a few more, as well as a
carrier for each cat.  We don't have a basement and the only safe(?) place
in the event of a tornado is an old closet that has a permanent wooden
stairway inside.  A few of the boards are hinged so that they can be
"folded" up and back out of the way.  Behind these stairs is where I keep
my carriers stacked one upon the other.  They each have a towel, food bowl
and water container.  The doors stay open.  I keep several human blankets,
a WORKING flashlight, an emergency kit, and a couple of gallon jugs of
water.  (I refresh regularly and if we are not in "tornado" season, I don't
have any water in there.  And of course, food.
If we are under a watch, I put on my shoes, get a jacket, my purse, and my
CHARGED cell phone.  I put all the critters in the cages in their proper
social grouping, latch the cage doors and leave the closet door open for
ventilation.  If/when the watch becomes a warning, I close the closet door
and lower the stairs.  Friends know that is where they can find me
(hopefully).  Oh, BTW, I include my daughter and husband too!
Thankfully, we have not had a tornado in our community.  They have been
within a twenty to thirty minute drive.  THEY CAN STRIKE ANYWHERE!  Are you
prepared?  (My husband laughs at me.  I figure it's better to be safe than
I don't have any cages that won't fit through the door.  Peter Koch is the
one who alerted me to that point.  Big cages are great but they should fit
through the door in the event of a fire or other tragedy.
All my ferrets have their play times in one 16' X 29' foot room.  Right
now, I only have two separate groups.
This is NOT a flame or judgment on anyone's preparations or the lack
thereof.  "YOU" probably have better plans and ideas I've never thought
of.  All suggestions/ideas are welcome to make my critters safer.
BTW, I also have their medical records in a tupperware type container.
Should there be water and wind, they hopefully will still be dry and
I hope this helps someone prepare for their babies.
Those of you on the list with bearded dragons please contact me privately.
I have a problem......(Thanks BIG...)
Tequita Williamson
Ferret Haven
The Piedmont Ferret Association
[Posted in FML issue 2814]