>From:    William Killian - Zen and the Art of Ferrets <[log in to unmask]>
>That is a lightweight flame.  It claims that the clothes Karen wears have
>something to do with the 'facts' of the discussion.  But being as I've
>never met Karen, have no idea whether she even wears clothes (okay I'll
>bet she does)
Well, yes, I do.  Most of the time.  I have been known to wardance buck
nekkid with the ferrets though.  :-D
>and further don't mean it at all but was just playing with her comments
>it isn't really a flame, but a flame impersonator.
Does that mean I only need imitation asbestos longjohns? ;-)
>From:    Ron Carter <[log in to unmask]>
>>Actually, it does.  It doesn't make it "right", but it definitely *gives
>>them the right*.  That's why Jeanne Carley and so many others are working
>>to have new laws put in place, so that the F&G *no longer have the right*
>>to take people's ferrets away.
>Sorry but I have to disagree with you on that.  The Government has
>forgotten what it is and what it's powers are.  They only have the rights
>that "we" give them and I certainly don't give them the right to take
>someone's pets.
Well really Ron, I don't know quite what to say to that.  I agree with you
on the principle that our gov't was created to be of the people, by the
people, and for the people.  But the fact is that "we" (refering to the
citizens of CA - I don't live there myself) elected leaders that are
upholding (for various and sundry reasons including prejudice and
ignorance) a regulation that made ferrets illegal in CA (however mistaken
and goofy that original regulation was).  If it were as easy as a single
Joe Citizen saying "I hereby deny you, CA F&G, the right to confiscate
people's ferrets", the fight would have been over long ago.  Whether or not
it *should* be that easy isn't the point.  The point is that the
authorities in charge of such things do, at this time, have the right to
confiscate illegal animals.
>I also don't need anyone to tell me what Jeanne Carley is doing.
I didn't think you did.  I was merely fleshing out my argument.
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