To Scott&Jessica Russell <[log in to unmask]> about the ferret scare.
How lucky you are, hope it stays with you.  Belle and Tigger LOVE to get
outside and play, they can't get enough of it; I just can't keep up with
them.  Belle wants to go one way and Tigger the other way.  They haven't
been out in a while because they both lost their harness' Belle one day,
Tigger the very next.  I have to order more.  Now they have to stay in
their cage when they go outside.  One thing I did want to mention was to be
careful of large birds, my mother mostly warns me of Hawks.  My mom reads
allot and watches allot of documentaries and is convinced that Hawks or
other large birds can come down and swoop our baby fuzzies up never to be
seen again.  I've never seen it happen but you never know if it is
possible.  Didn't want to read about that one happening and not share my
concern.  (If anyone has a Hawk as a pet no offense intended)
To Amy Robbin <[log in to unmask]> about Introducing Dogs to the house.
First I want to let you know how happy I am that the fuzzies were not hurt.
After reading some horror stories I had to get away from the Internet for a
while, I just couldn't handle it.  Some of the things that happens in this
world are very upsetting.  I can understand wanting/needing a dog for
protection.  I love Rottweiler's (never had one but played with friends
puppies).  If I were you I would get as much info as possible from the
previous owners as to the temperament and history.  I mean down to the last
detail to include sensitive spots like ears, paws and mouth.  My fuzzies
always go for these spots on my dog to clean his ears, smells around his
mouth and attack his paws and legs.  I have seen the reaction of other dogs
with these sensitive spots go off on other dogs and lets face it all it
takes is one second for a dog to snatch up a ferret shack/chomp or whatever
if the ferret does something he/she doesn't like (not trying to upset you).
I am still very careful with my dog because I know it could happen.  I
would try to find out if he/she is a bird or squirrel chaser which is not a
big deal but I would be concerned if they have ever tasted blood.  In my
experience which is not allot once an animal has tasted blood they seem to
change.  I would do the same thing with the separation and strict
supervised play/introduction time.  I would start off with switching
blankets to get use to each others smells and starting off with five
minutes of you holding ferrets in your arms around the dog and progress
from there.  That's what we did with our 9 week old Shar-pei puppy.
Puppies are of course a whole lot easier and may be a good alternative
considering that most puppies I know start to get base to their bark at a
couple months if not sooner.  Kylo adjusted well after his first bit or I
should say gash by Belle just under his eye.  Belle was use to having ALL
the squeaky toys and when Kylo at 9 weeks went after one she was not havin'
that and let him know.  To this day she wants nothing to do with him,
except to use him as the occasional bridge to get to coffee table; and even
at his adult weigh of 40 lbs.  she still puts him in his place from time to
time, mostly when Kylo mistakes Belle for Tigger and wants to play and Kylo
respects her and leaves her alone.  Tigger on the other hand loves to play
with Kylo.  Kylo will be 2 in December, Belle 4 in July, Tigger 3 this past
August and it has been great the way they adjusted to each other, even
though I am still careful that Tigger and Kylo don't get too out of
control.  It is very funny to see a 40 lb.  Shar-pei (which if you didn't
know is a Chinese fighting dog bread to fight) act like a ferret.  He tries
to fit where Tigger and Belle fit.  I know when I come home and see the
television 2 extra feet away from the wall, Kylo hides his toys, and sits
on top and on the arm of the sofa like Tigger and Belle.
Well I can go on and on, but instead I will wish you and everyone else with
fuzzies the best of luck.
Anna, Belle, Tigger & Kylo
Tigger: "Kylo, I bet you can't catch me"
Belle:  "Take one step closer to that squeaky toy and you'll be getting
         stitches by night fall"
Kylo:   "Tigger, I'll distract Belle and you make a break for the squeaky
         toy and I'll met you in the bedroom"
[Posted in FML issue 2812]