First the funny story.  We recently took a pair of shelter ferrets back,
Snaggletooth & Sidewinder, due to changed circumstances of their adoptive
parents.  Snaggletooth is a very intelligent ferret who knew that he needed
to escape from the Ferrarium and explore the rest of the house.  So while
my hubby was cleaning the big cage which faces the gate, Snaggletooth
climbed up his back, carefully observed distances, and LAUNCHED!  himself
into the air and onto the gate.  I retrieved him before he escaped, and
then he did it again.  THen when he tried climbing up Kurt's back again,
Kurt tried bending over so the ferret couldn't make the leap, and
Snaggletooth just adjusted his position accordingly and still made the
gate.  We'll have to make sure there's nothing near the gates for him to
climb on!
Next the question for others and especially vets: it seems that recently we
have been getting a lot of ferrets into the shelter with swollen lymph
nodes.  It is our vet's opinion that these should not be vaccinated.  It is
my opinion that we can't adopt the ferrets out if they're not vaccinated,
and that swollen lymph nodes in and of themselves don't necessarily mean
cancer.  Any information about this (and I'm open minded here, will accept
both sides) would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Kurt & Sara Petersen
FURRY (Ferrets Underfoot RUnning Round You)
Help raise money for the shelter!  Click on
[Posted in FML issue 2812]