Sorry this is late - had to actually drag together enough time to write
this.  Some wonderful posts on this subject in yesterday's (well todays,
but it'll be yesterday's by the time this is posted!) FML.  Karen
([log in to unmask]) had some excellent points in her post, as did
Michael ([log in to unmask]), and Alissa ([log in to unmask]).  Razz
([log in to unmask]) I applaud you for having put yourself forward for
helping to gather the funds for shipping the 13 furkids, and for offering
your home as shelter for them all.  I'm aware that many people offered to
look after some or all of the thirteen ferrets, however for Razz to not
only offer this, but see that other problems existed and try to help there
also is a great thing, and is well worth recognition.
Now, onto the topic at hand...
I can understand why people can be upset by individuals asking for money to
hlp pay for vet bills etc.  I can understand people getting a little tired
of someone saying "My ferret was killed when he/she fell five stories onto
the road and got flattened by a car, and I can't afford the cremation"
(apologies to those who have lost their ferret to such a tragedy,
unfortunate accidents can happen)
What I cannot understand is people who get upset when a shelter asks for
money to help save lives when an unavoidable event happens.  Such as the
case with Mark (Mountain) in California recently.  He has been sheltering
ferrets for years, in a highly inhospitable area under extremely trying
circumstances and funding their care solely by himself.
There is a choice here.  If Mark gets enough money to ship them out of the
State, they get sent out.  If he doesn't, they'll stay in California.  Now,
the staying option *sounds* well and good, but it means that Fish and Game
will probably have those ferrets euthanised in no time flat.  Personally,
I'd prefer that Mark got the money he needs for shipping them out of State.
He isn't asking for legal fees, he's not asking for a dime to help himself.
He wants to save the ferrets.  The thirteen innocents being persecuted by
Fish and Game are the only reason money is being asked for.
Everyone has a choice as to whether to donate or not.  If you don't believe
that these thirteen ferrets are worth helping because of a situation out of
his control, then feel free to not send money.  If you believe these
thirteen ferrets deserve saving, then feel free to help.
Complaining about how people are asking for money isn't going to help them,
or other ferrets with a similar plight.
I agree fully that there seems to be a resurgence of people asking for help
in paying for personal bills on the FML, and I personally don't like it
when a person who only owns one or two ferrets feels it is necessary to ask
for help with funds for vet bills.  However, because I don't agree with
something doesn't give me the right to put the people down for having to
ask.  It isn't an easy thing to ask for money.  A vast majority of people
have to put aside their pride so that their animals may posibly benefit
from the help that *may* be given to them from other people.  Mark's
situation isn't one of choice.  He didn't choose for someone to turn him
in, and he didn't choose for Fish and Game to surround his house and wait
for him to return home.  Yes, he chose to own ferrets in a State where
ferrets are illegal.  Yes, he chose to rescue and shelter ferrets in need
in that same State.  As a result yes, Fish and Game *did* come to his house
after someone *did* turn him in.  In order to save these thirteen ferrets
Mark is putting himself on the line.  He is paying his own way for the
lawyers in case Fish and Game decide to prosecute him for owning a "wild
animal" (if found not guilty of owning a wild animal, I must admit, I'd
like to know where that puts the CA Fish and Game) He has paid for their
vet care and food, he's paid for not abiding by the law by losing his
ferrets - and the only worse punishment would be for the California Fish
and Game to euthanise those same ferrets because he couldn't not come up
with the funds to send them out of California.
I guess it's easy to kick a man while he's down, easier than helping him
to his feet.  It's a shame more people can't band together to try to help
him on his feet again, by helping the very ferrets everyone here professes
to love.
To see some awesome ferret cards, drop in on
[Posted in FML issue 2811]