The winning photo from the Ferret Wise Re-Union  "Teddy Bear Picnic" ( held
Sept 11) has been posted at our shelter site at url
The photo was submitted by Skyla Fay who has four shelter adoptees residing
in her home with her original ferret Spot.
To see more wonderful pics of her kids-- visit her page at
Thanks to all ferrets and folks who came out to support this years event--
we ( ferrets and shelter folks) are already working on the 2000 picnic
event - which will be "Ferretstock"- and will include a "Blessing of the
Animals ceremony" at the start of the event.  It will include such special
events as: ferret / careperson costume event on the theme "Flower Children"
and "Gerry Garcia look alikes"!  Music of the era , more information to
Sponsorships available please email or call the shelter!!
Bear FerretWise and
the many paws and faces at Ferret Wise
[Posted in FML issue 2811]