I just started recieving this mailing list last week, and it is so nice to
read about lovable fuzzies and their big-hearted humans!
Baby-the-WonderFuzz just got me for Christmas last year, and we have had a
ball together.  I don't know any others who have or had fuzzies, and it is
sometimes quite frustrating!  I moved this summer, and there was a period
of a week when I thought that I wouldn't be able to bring Baby with me (no
pets except cats allowed here)... That is, until I introduced Baby to the
landlord, and he decided that "well, maybe a ferret isn't a wild creature,
and wow, does he always jump around like that?  and do you think he would
let me hold him, and oh my gosh is he cute...."
But up until then, I was so worried about finding a good home for him, and
every time I thought about it I would cry!  (Big fat sissy, I know) I
posted an ad in my company's newsletter, we employ over 250 people, I
thought, there's GOT to be someone who knows what a ferret is!  Nope.  I
got a ton of calls, but most of them were "How can you have an animal like
that running through your house?!  Aren't you afraid of what he'll do to
your kids?!" So, instead of finding a fert-savvy interested human for
Baby, I ended up spending most of my time trying to dispel myths and
*occasionally* dragging out my soapbox to preach to the masses all the
wonderful things about fuzzies.  But we had a happy ending, Baby got to
keep me!  When we moved, though, it took him about 2 weeks to get back to
normal.  I didn't expect this at all, but the move really affected him.  We
didn't travel a long distance, only a few miles, we're still in the same
city.  He was just so sad looking for what seemed like a lifetime!  He
would play but only for a couple minutes, then he would go back to his cage
and climb into his hammock.  And when he did decide to play, he would bite
me HARD!  Something he's never done.  Has anyone ever had a similar
experience when moving with ferts?  It was only a temporary attitude, we're
back to normal now... Thank goodness!
Jeanne &
[Posted in FML issue 2809]