We interrupt your reading for a public service message from the Greater
Chicago Ferret Association, a not-for-profit shelter serving ferrets in
Illinois since, oh, somewhere in the late '70s :
Did you ever wonder what it might be like to have all the ferrets your
heart desires?
Then did you think about all the litterboxes you'd have to clean?
Then imagine this: forty-two ferrets, and no poop!
The GCFA has the one, the only, Forty-Two-Weasel Quilt, like no other quilt
in the universe.  It's a one-of-a-kind, handmade, king-size masterpiece,
covered with forty-two embroidered, painted, and patchworked images of our
favorite mustelids.  (Many contributors are FML regulars.)  It's huge,
it's beautiful, it's incredibly cool, and must be seen to be appreciated.
And it could be all yours.
The quilt is being raffled at our 11th Annual Greatest Ferret Show On Earth
on October 9, 1999.  Can't come to the show?  No problem!  It's easy to
mail-order the modestly-priced raffle tickets: just visit our website,
print out an order form, and pop it in the U.S.  mail.
Don't delay-- we must receive your mail order by October 2nd, and we
recommend posting your order by September 25th.  Do it this weekend!
Check out the quilt, our shelter, and our club at http://www.gcfa.com.
Good luck!
[Posted in FML issue 2808]