Debbie/Sunshine asked about prednisone and how much people consider the
side effects when deciding to use it on their ferrets-- a good vet should
discuss that with you when the need for prednisone arises.  When Cully's
diagnosis of insulinoma and lymphoma came back, my vet (enthusiastic plug
here for Dr. Tracey Ritzman at Angell Memorial in Boston)(and her tech too
:) told me that prednisone can cause long term damage, and that eventually
it will become ineffective anyway as the body builds up a sort of tolerance
to it.  We agreed that given Cully's age and medical history that long term
damage was not a high risk for him, and that given a ferret's natural life
span, the pred would have time to do a lot of good and not enough time to
do any harm.  It shouldn't be a casual decision to use any drug or herb,
and I think a good vet should talk out all the pros and cons with you.
I am not seeing any negative effects on him now that I could attribute to
the prednisone-- if anything, he's a little less neurotic and his coat is
plusher, although that may be due to his adrenal removal.  So far, I
haven't seen anything to make me doubt that prednisone was the right
choice for him.
Regina Harrison
[log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask] -somewhat messed up as I rennovate
Electra the Brujah's page:
Wrapped in my mongrel wings, I nearly freeze
In the howlin wind and drivin rain
All the trash blowin round 'n' round
[Posted in FML issue 2807]