>From:    [log in to unmask]
>When we do so I would have no problem in handing out eductional info on
>ferrets ...
Great idea!  For general ferret information, you can print a small FAQ from
Ferret Central at http://www.ferretcentral.org
>Also my two beauties both have the blue dots in there ears, that is not
>only a MF signature is it?  Don't other breeders use the same call sign?
That is totally a MF thing.  Other breeders may use two dots in the
opposite ear, one dot, a dot in each ear, a dot between the toes, a dot or
two on the inner thigh, etc, but the MF dots are MF dots.  Not too many
breeders would want their ferrets mistaken with MF ferrets.  Not that MF
ferrets are bad, but it is difficult enough to track ferrets that you have
bred let alone ones you haven't.
>I read that giving ferrets raw meat was inviting trouble and makes some of
>them mean because it sorta activates their instinct to hunt there own food.
This is very false.  Bob Church has done wonderful investigating,
experimenting, and sharing to change this misinformation.  BIG - please
tell us again where Bob C's Diet 101 can be gotten .  .  .
>What rice box idea
This is easy & fun!  Clear (colored is ok, but not as fun to watch) big
storage box (the deeper the better!) and bags of rice!  Empty rice in box
(about 1/2 way full) and turn fuzzheads loose in the box to dig until they
are pooped - or until they poop in the box!  Just don't eat the rice out of
the box ...  you may gee brown rice that was supposed to be white rice.
Amy Flemming
Flemming Farms
[Posted in FML issue 2806]