Hi everyone.
Just thought I'd let everyone know what's going on with Paco.  I took him
to the vet today to get a once-over and he is scheduled to have his teeth
cleaned and get lots of blood tests on the 27th of this month.  The vet
seemed to think that insulinoma was a good possibility but that it could
also be a dental problem since he looked in good shape other than a little
on the skinny side.  I would have liked to get all this done sooner, but
things didn't work out that way, so we'll see.  In the meantime, thanks to
all who e-mailed me privately with all the excellent info.
It occurred to me while I was answering messages that this is the third
time I've posted and I still haven't really introduced myself, so, shyness
aside, here goes.
I got my first fuzzbutt in 1989 and I've been hooked ever since.  Skeeter
was his name and he was an intact male of about 10 months old when I got
him.  I had him neutered not too long after I got him because it was
wintertime, we were in a very tiny house, and he was coming into season.
Skeeter was a big old cuddly male and responsible for the ferret math that
has reigned supreme ever since.  I lost him in 1996 to ECE and I still miss
I've had five other ferrets that are at the Rainbow Bridge: Lizzie and
Lucy, who were kits when I got them; Taffy, Cooter, and Cashmere, who were
all three adoptees.  I currently have four other ferrets in addition to
Paco.  Junior, 4 yrs.  old, Louie, 3, Missy, 4, and Tigger, who is 1.
Missy, Tigger, and Paco are adoptees and Junior and Louie were Christmas
My husband claims to be jealous of the ferrets because he says they are
treated better than he is (which is probably true *g*), but he will just
about trample me getting to the phone to call the vet if something isn't
right with one of the kids.  At least he knows what to get me for Christmas
and birthdays - ferrets!
Sorry this is so long.  I guess I better go play with the Wild Bunch.
There's one pawing at my feet now.
Hugs to all the fuzzies and prayers for everyone having to deal with that
d* hurricane.
Deborah P.
and the Wild Bunch
[Posted in FML issue 2806]