Your dilemma about what to do with those two irresponsable breeders seems
incredibly frustrating!  Perhaps if you started keeping a log of the
complaints, sick and disabled ferrets, and anything else going on that
seems innapropriate.  You could maybe use this documentation to get help
from your local humane society after a bit of time.  Sometimes if there
are concrete records, (maybe with pics of the ferrets as you get them in)
the authorities are more willing to "do something".  If you have evidence,
perhaps a local paper would run a story too about how the authorities were
notified and nothing is being done if they STILL won't help, that is).
Just keep dates, times, new owners, condition of the animal, etc.  until
you see an obvious trend.  Hope this helps.
Alicia, my heart goes out to you and your friends Sue and Jim, Witty sounds
like he will be missed greatly by all of you.  And also Diana, sorry to
hear about Chena, my thoughts and prayers are with you both.
Debra, good luck with little Paco at the vets'.  It does sound like
insulinoma symptoms, try some Karo syrup the next time it starts if he does
it again...or, if it's possible, take him in immediately for a blood sugar
test.  It's pretty neat how he's known to EAT after both times...has anyone
else had their ferret do that after an attack??
Take care, Michele & the 8 sleepy weasels
PS- Pheonix, the new kid, is eating duck soup on his own and is stronger in
his hind end a bit today!
[Posted in FML issue 2805]