You know you are a ferret lover when...
***You go to the hardware store to buy: Chicken wire, dryer tubes, pvc
    pipe, plywood, a massive staple gun, 2 large bags of sand, duct tape,
    carpet protectors and have no intention of building anything new..but
    come under suspicion for kidnapping.
***You can't throw away a box without letting the ferrets play with it
***People are telling stories about their human children and you interject
   with a crazy ferret story...
***You can't eat something without seeing if it is something the ferrets
   would like.
***You go through books of poems desperately trying to find one you can
   translate into "ferret-isms"
***You buy a $200 sewing machine to make ferret hammocks and custom cage
Yesterday, I got the ferrets out of their cage and walked them back to my
room.  I let Pepe down and he immediately went goofy as normal.  Chimi
just lay there in my arms, on his back, cradled and I petted him....
"Doug!!  Look at Chimi, oh please Chimi, don't be sick, please don't be
sick...Look at HIM!"....
Doug: "Honey, he's being sleepy...he's not sick" ...
Me:"This is NOT the way he acts, he doesn't let me pet him!!!"...
Chimi:"Yawn...."(Suddenly realizing he isn't in his hammock anymore and
is the subject of petting, he immediately wriggles his way out of my arms
and down to the ground...bouncing around..cursing me for tricking
him)...Me:"oh, nevermind"
Have a good day- and hug your fuzzies.
Stephanie, Chimi & Pepe
[Posted in FML issue 2786]