People, I can't believe we are going to the netherworld of the "financial
zone" again.
I can understand, on the surface, someone saying "don't get any more
ferrets/kids/pets/etc., cause you can't afford it.  But just remember,
who's to say who can afford anything?  It is absolutely amazing what you
can do if you want to.
I too live paycheck to paycheck.  Like I've said before, I'm not crying
about it.  It is my choice to work for a non-profit.  No one is twisting my
arm to make me.  But there are more important things than money, people.
Money is necessary, but not the end all and be all.
I would no more have turned down Snowball, Hubert, and Elsie, who were
rescues, than I would have aborted my daughter Angel (who was another thing
I couldn't "afford" at the time).  I will do without new clothes, new cars,
eating out and fancy food for myself for my children, human and furred
What a person is willing to do for a beloved pet says a lot.  And love,
friends, is more important than your bank balance.  Does your ferret really
get on Quicken to check your net worth?  I highly doubt it.  And how many
ferreties are lavished with expensive toys, food, etc, but lack love, like
children who's parents are so busy they throw money at them to make up for
the lack of attention.
I am not saying anyone on this list is like that.  But, again, you can find
a sterotype to fit anything if you try hard enough.
I, personally, know I would be in a bad way if one of my babies needed
major surgery.  But I have a wonderful vet who will take payments.  I'm
also willing to go get a night job at the local convenience store or
whatever until the damn vet bill would be paid.  I may not be able to
afford it now, but I would bust my rump until I could.
Just try to be kind people.  (I know, I know, my same old litany.  You
know, if you chant it long enough, it sounds really neat......)  Examine
each case on it's own merits.
And make sure you really have the whole story before you get out the flame
throwers.  Many times, people are upset and post something and are not
clear because they are upset.  Instead of getting condolences or helpful
suggestions, they get their butts flamed off before they have a chance to
say "Gee, I guess I didn't explain that too well did I?  Let me
If we all (me included) thought a little more before we blasted someone or
something, there would be far more hurt feelings.  Remember, there was only
one perfect person, and he got nailed to a cross......(my apologies to
those of a different spiritual outlook.....that's just my personal opinion,
not anything I am trying to mandate.....)
Kiss the babies.  Life is short.
And, before I forget, many thanks for all the people who checked on me
after the infamous SLC tornado.  I wasn't in it since I took a few days
off.  But my two teenagers just got off the bus to go to the downtown mall
when it hit.  I mean JUST as it hit.  They saw and experienced the whole
thing (even got on the national news in the background).  Thank God they
listened to Mom's tornado stories and hit the ground until it passed.  They
were uninjured.  I wish everyone had been that lucky.  Took me five hours
to get them out of downtown, though, and they had to walk all the way up
Capital Hill and down to Beck street or it would have been longer.  What a
mess.  Emergency vehicles couldn't even move.  I'm just grateful that it
wasn't worse than it was.  People out here aren't prepared for tornados.
First one to hit SLC in the 150 years that they have been tracking the
weather.  Earthquakes, floods, now THAT we're prepared for.  Tornados are
just thing out of the Wizard of Oz o!  r in the movies.  At least until
last Wednesday.
Thanks for caring folks. It mean't a lot!
Catherine, Pato, Snowball, Hubert, and Elsie
"Behind the Zion Curtain"
[Posted in FML issue 2776]