It breaks my heart to have to write this letter.  After much thought and
stress, and even more tears, i have come to the conclusion that my babies
would be better off in a different home.  i know i may get a lot of flames
for this, but due to work schedules changing i have found that i dont have
as much time for them.  I have 1 male sable 1year 7 months, a female that
changes colors often and seems to be a silver, she is 1 year and my
beautiful deaf baby.  And another male sable less then a year.  With them
comes a huge cage with tunnels and all there stuff, toys, hammock, food
dish, water bottel and their food, Totally ferret.  the youngest comes to a
squeaky toy.  I would like to keep them together, but if that isnt possible
the 2 oldest need to go together at least, he seems to be her hearing eye
ferret:) Please Email in private.  if any one is interested.  They are free
to the perfect family.
Thank you
[Posted in FML issue 2776]