Hello All-
We are really getting excited about the Ferret Wise 'Teddy-Bears Picnic" on
September 11th.  So excited we can't hardly stay in the cages here!
Our friends from The Ferret Store will have tables here packed full of
ferret goods -- along with the host shelters Ferret Services of Freedom and
Ferret Wise -- and they have donated lots of goodies (as have some other
great folks) for raffle items, prizes and more!
We will have a one of a kind finely crafted ferret wood toboggan on wheels
for the collector of unique ferret toys, and some super big cages -- along
with lots of teddy bears, a teddy bear quilt and lots, lots more!  Some
ferret jewelry, coffee mugs, special T-shirts just for the day ....
Our chef on the grill is making veggie burgers available for the vegetarian
attendees who pre-register in place of hot dogs, we have a specialty
celebration cake being donated for dessert, lots of fun and games as well
as ferret tarot readings, and ask the vet ( with special guest vet-- Dr.
Karen Purcell).... lots of trophies ( including one for the ferret furthest
traveled - and the best ferret tattoo modeled by a human) and fun for
so if you are within commuting distance and want to join the festivities--
especially for the picnic lunch-- please forward your snail mail address
via email ( above) and we will send advance registration forms out.
Those in attendance will get a preview of the year 2000 picnic-- which will
be in a different location-- and will bear a great resemblance to a one day
Woodstock event for FERRETS!  Get those tie dye shirts ready - mark your
calendars for Sept 2000 YOU WON'T BE DISAPPOINTED!
Bear FerretWise
and the many faces of Ferret Wise
our web catalog page at:
and at
Where Ferret Wise will receive $2.00 for every new person who signs on, and
its totally free ( just takes a few minutes of your time) to help.  Thank
you from all the ferrets.
[Posted in FML issue 2775]