Hi everyone,
Here are some timely new lyrics to another popular tune.
Mary Cohen
To the tune of "Happy Days Are Here Again"
We are happy ferrets now.
Our mom should come and take a bow.
She made Chicken Gravy for us, WOW!
We are happy ferrets now.
She cursed Bob Church * left and right,
'Cause she stayed up way past midnight,
Just to be sure that she got it right.
We are happy ferrets now
No more strained baby food.
It puts us in a bad mood.
We are happy ferrets now.
That Gravy is the cat's meow.
If we don't get more, there'll be a row.
We are happy ferrets now.
Duck soup is just too passe.
We get our pep the modern way.
Gravy made us what we are today.
We are happy ferrets now.
I don't know Bob, but I know he has a sense of humor,
I have his recipe, but I'm too chicken to try it.
[Posted in FML issue 2773]