Once again, our Shelter has been invited to participate in the "Homeless
Animals Day" Candlelight Vigil to be held in Friendship Park, Jacksonville,
FL next Sunday, August 22nd, 1999 from approximately 5 PM to 9 PM.  This
annual event is sponsored by the Jacksonville Coalition of Animal Rescuers
(JCAR) and will include educational booths set up by non-profit animal
rescue/shelter organizations; and ending with a Candlelight Vigil.
Although we missed last year's event due to the raging wildfires in our
area and the resultant evacuation of our Shelter, our participation in the
1997 event was a success, where we made additional friends and educated a
great many attendees in the proper care of pet ferrets.
Since this will most likely be my last Summer in Florida, it's important
that our Shelter not miss this opportunity to once again raise awareness
about the increasing number of ferrets being abandoned in our community
and possibly help stem the tide through EDUCATION.
But, I will need the help of local volunteers.  Prior to the event itself,
we need someone with access to a good quality copier--to make copies of
our educational literature.  We'll need assorted colors of copy paper.  And
someone with the time to makes the copies; collate, staple, cut and fold
the various handouts.  For the event itself, we'll need volunteers to help
unload our displays and set-up our booth as well as those ferret folks
willing to "man" the booth to answer questions about our Shelter
services....and all things ferrety.
We also hope to have a Raffle to raise funds for the influx of adrenal
surgeries we've had over the past two weeks (all the females surrendered
recently needed immediate surgeries due to huge swollen vulvas and extreme
hair loss---and so far 5 of 6 needed BILATERAL adrenalectomies---all
successfully accomplished by Dr. Debbie Kemmerer).  Thus, we are also
seeking RAFFLE PRIZES--not so much ferret oriented, but items that the
average attendee might be interested in winning!  (Anyone have access to
Jacksonville Jaguars NFL tickets--even to a pre-season game???? :-)  Anyone
locally work for a restaurant or retail store that might be willing to
donate a Gift Certificate to our raffle?)
I realize this is not much notice....but I've been debating whether I would
even have the time with all the pre- and post-surgery and critical care
ferrets currently in the Shelter; but the EDUCATOR in me won't let me pass
up this opportunity.  But I can't do it alone.
If you are one of my core of volunteers and/or foster Moms/Dads or have
even adopted your fuzzies from our Shelter and can be of *ANY* assistance,
please email me in what capacity you can help.  And even if you can't help
with any of the above, just come out to show your support and meet some of
the wonderful ferret folks in our area.  (And you will be able to meet to
our newest Jacksonville resident, JACKIE HAWLEY (formerly of Hinesville,
GA and operator of The Dook Nook Shelter)---a long-time friend and fellow
alumnae of the Miami shelter where we first got our hands-on ferret
experience scooping poop; bathing intact hobs (whew!!) prior to neutering;
and socializing fuzzies with TLC.
Will provide additional details/assign tasks once I hear from those who can
help!  I'm sure we have some FMLers in the area we haven't met in person
yet....this would be a great time to get together and show our support on
behalf of the ferrets.  If you unable to help, please do stop by our booth
and say "Hi!".  (We hope to have our supply of Jeanne Carley's Y2K Ferret
Calendar for sale at our booth, too!!)
For The Ferrets,
Barbara Ludt, Director
NE Florida Branch/South Florida Ferret Club & Rescue, Inc.
[Posted in FML issue 2773]