Just thought I'd mention a few ferret sightings I've had this week.
On the LIFE Network they run and re-run a few pet shows.  This week I saw
ferrets on both The Gentle Doctor, and Pet Friends.  One of them was in a
portrait with a collie.  They'll probably be on again this week so check it
Also Jack ( the jerk) Hanna's got some Pet book out and he does cover
ferrets - right before pot bellied pigs,as pets.  I just skimmed it, but it
wasn't overly negative.  He suggested that they arent' really for children,
or everyone,but didn't say Noone should own one.  The book was at Chapters.
I almost bought The Essential Ferret there too.  It looked like a much
better starters book than the one by the Morton's that I bought 6 years
ago.  I'd recommend it to new owners, but really experienced ones might
like it for their collection too.
I found another painting with a ferret.  I'll have to post the artist's
name later (BIG) but it was in a book called Big Dogs, Little Dogs, based
on the A&E TV series.  It shows clearly a large albino ferret sticking it's
head out of a rabbit hole and a pack of dogs chasing the rabbit.  It was
painted in the late 1800's.
Well that's all folks.
[Posted in FML issue 2771]