Mary and Eric just sent me the latest edition of Modern Ferret.  What a
great issue!  Personally, I think it is one of their best.  However, I
have to warn Bill Gruber to expect LOTS of nasty eMails from the humor
challenged.  I think Mary and Eric expect it as well, because the outside
of the issue has a badge claiming the issue is guaranteed to offend
somebody.  Knowing the degree of tolerance on the FML lately, I'm sure some
will be.  <sigh> *I* wasn't, however.  I loved the centerfold so much I
plan to scan it in so I can use it as a desktop pic.  It is REALLY funny!!
This is one of those double cover issues, with the subscription cover
different from the newstand cover.  I'm not sure which is which, but I
absolutely loved the "Ooops" cover featuring Harry Anderson (of Night
Court).  It is so funny, but you have to look close to see the joke.
Mary and Eric have really started to show that ferrets are not just for
lonely ladies and computer geeks.  This is the second time they have done
an article on a person who owns ferrets and is also in the public eye.
This helps to mainstream ferrets, and I for one, am very happy they are
doing it, even though I am sure some people with hypotrophy of the humor
glands will be offended by the Pythonesque visual jokes.  I hope Mary and
Eric won't have that sinking feeling I had once when I have a paper on SEM
photomicroscopy to a bunch of engineers.  I started out with a joke, and
half way through I realized not a single person was getting it.  It was
like a photo of Easter Island except these guys were even stiffer than the
statues.  I can almost visualize some FML members turning to stone, saying
"I don't get that a ferret in a straight jacket?"
The rest of you will love it!  Great job Mary and Eric!!!
Bob C and 16 MO' Magical Ferts
[Posted in FML issue 2770]