boy am i late in posting this one.  i made it home about 3 a.m. tuesday
morning following that show and i've been playing catchup since then.  i
met many good folks in penn., many from this list as well.  i want to say
thanks to al who made it so much fun for me!  th road trip was a little
hard on my fuzzies and now it looks like nicholii is the only one still
recovering.  lol, when all the others were sleeping, he was up trying to
figure out how to get out of the travel cage(darn near did too).  he's
underweight but improving everyday.  for the big news**kikomann got first
in the longest tail** and got a box of treats to boot for it!  well, it's
the first time i ever thought a big tail would ever be benificial..
hehehe.... i got to meet the editors of modern ferret, and mary's new hair
style/color is great!  well, it's new to me since i've never seen her
before.  they are both real nice people and i got to even hold knuks.  lol,
knuks looks like my tinkerbelle only tinker is eric thought i
had his ferret until my girl opened her eyes.  uncanny how you find a
ferret that's nearly exact as your own.  i know what he was thinking
because i saw a medium/light silver that looked exactly like my nicholii
and my first thought was "who the heck is that and why did mom let him have
nicholii and where is she???" lol, i enjoyed speaking to everyone i met,
and i hope it was likewise to them(those who could get past my ghastly
southern dialect<G!>).
i usually like to get to know the people who are set up beside me and
this show was no exception.  i met a very nice couple who had a couple of
sables, one very black sable which won them a 4th place(or 3rd place)
ribbon.  boy, she was just thrilled!  instances like that make me glad to
be there.  before they left, they wrote their email addy down for me...but
darnit, i'm still looking for it.  if you're out there reading this, send
it to me again as i'm sure the ferrets are hiding it from me.
i loved the show and am looking forward to the columbus show in august.
the penn show was the first my mom had ever experienced and now she's
anticipating the columbus show as well.  i quote, " i'm getting sooo
excited.  those shows are so much fun...i had a ball!" she and i are going
to go over the handing over ferrets to the judge so as not to goof up.  she
wants to train one of the fuzzies a new trick but i don't think she will
get that one done before the end of august.  if my situation doesnt change
by next year, we are hoping to go back to penn again next year and visit.
thanks to all who made it possible for me to be there and to warm fuzzy:
nice job folks :)
malissa dillion
and my fuzzy four
[Posted in FML issue 2760]