Hi all!
I wanted to let everyone know that I had apologized to Tiffers owner for
misunderstanding her post about the untimely death.  I posted this message
privately and I tried to post all of it publicly (including the response I
got) but that is against regulations (of course, as always, Bill was very
nice about it).
It is very unfortunate that even when people apologize (my post to this
person was not rude in the first place, it was more of a post about future
care), that this person cannot be forgiving.  I had recommended she re-read
her original post to understand why people got so outraged.
I feel very sorry for this person and wish that they could spend more time
with their ferrets, but sometimes you have to live far away (even 11/2
hours for some) from them and not see them very often due to financial or
social responsibilities.  It is not for us to judge, but to encourage her
to find ways to cope with this tragedy.
I strongly encourage those who may have offended her, to send her an
apology.  She is obviously not doing so well, or I am quite sure, she
would have accepted the one I sent (I am giving her the benefit of the
doubt).  NONE of us are perfect and life IS a learning experience.
Take care of your babies~
P.S.  This will be the last post about this from me, it has already
generated enough attention.
[Posted in FML issue 2767]