Hello All,
I'm a new mommy of two adorable littlle fuzzbutts, and I want to make sure
I'm doing EVERYTHING right.  I bet I've read every peice of litterature
this side of the moon on ferrets in the past month, and this news letter is
by far has the best advice ( ya'll are all soooo nice).  Well, anyway, I
have a question......my babies are so good & their training is coming along
great, but I'm a little worried about them playing to rough with each
other!!!!  Captain Tripps( my big boy) tends to look like he's hurting Ozzy
( my baby girl), she'll let out yelps every now & then.  They are both
altered, so i don't think he has a reason to be overly agressive.  I'm a
worried mommmy so any advice will greatly appreciated!!!
Tori & her little baby ferret-heads
[Posted in FML issue 2767]