hi, judy...
we also did not have air in this house here in mid ohio...and even though
we are surrounded by trees too...the house was unbearable...
what we finally did was get a used window a/c unit from a second had
store...or you can look in the newspaper..  and put it in the main room
the ferrets are in...it only cost $100.00, which is a lot of $$ to us...
but it was to save my babies' lives...so we MADE the money...no!!..didn't
counterfeit it!!!...we just used it and paid bills with what was left...:)
it is not a big a/c, but does the job of colling the room, and with the
help of fans, too...it cools a good part of the downstairs...you don't need
anything big enough to make the whole house cold...just enough to 'cool'
where the ferrets are...
hope this helps, Judy, and anyone else that may have
this problem...
p.s....it is breaking my heart lately to read this FML...all the fuzzies
going to the rainbow bridge...and sick...please all of you know that my
heart and prayers are with you...and i, too, cry over every one of them...
RASCAL~my cinnamon...my first~*~SASSY~my lady~*~WOLFIE~my sweetest boy!!!~*~
MONKEY(SHINE)~my "blaze" wild man!!!~*~FEIVEL~my new Sterling Silver~*~
MEEJA~my new sable maniac woman!!!~*~CHASE~my new DEW lady~*~
ARMAND~my new sable gentleman~*~Remembering Marcel...how we loved him!
[Posted in FML issue 2764]