>From:    Mary Rogers <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: So What's The Explanation?
>Bill, I'm sure that the rest of us would really like to know what the
>explanation is.  Could you please post it with whoever's permission and
>ease our minds!
Since I was there I can tell you what happened.  The woman's story matches
mine fiarly closely.  She had a whiney kit.  They do exist - deafness may
or may not be involved.  Like with deaf humans that make noises, deaf
ferrets have no idea how loud they are.  The woman was mimicking the ferret
so it just seemed worse.  The deafness wasn't mentioned by the woman in
question - its my conjecture.
She also played her game she calls "cat".  Its not inordinately dangerous.
She wasn't aware of how it looked to others.  But it wasn't what I would
call abuse.  I was there.  It looked far worse than it was.  The woman made
a mistake in my opinion on whether the bahavior was appropriate for the
time and place.  Not whether what she did was right or wrong in all times
or places.
This whole thing statred not with complaints of abuse but whether or not
what was being done was abuse.  It wasn't.  It was howver probably a bad
idea under the circumstances.
>From:    june batz <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: The "boys" are in
>I have 4 more months before I am going to neuter him
Don't worry.  Males ferrets have seasons just like the females.  Until they
really start swelling and his hygene declines, he's fine.  And if they do,
he's almost certainly still fine if you have no whole jills.
Poofing has nothing to do with the sexual part of his life.  He could poof
>From:    Sukie Crandall <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: plastic slide grip binding bars (cage building/stationery
>         supplies)
Try safeguard cages (i have no address book handy but they are well known
to us ferrety folks)  You get a long strip that you cut to size.
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
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[Posted in FML issue 2764]