Hey there all of my ferret, FML'er, friendly, fuzzie people!
Just a reminder if you live under a rock, or near one.  You might not have
heard but we here at Washington State Ferret Association are having our
first outdoor event (called the 1st Annual Summer Sun-in Ferret Party.
There will be games and prizes and an auction and Jeanne Carley will be
there, with stuff and We'l have stuff for sale and....well there will be a
ton of stuff!
In addition, Edward Lipinski has generously donated his mug so that people
can pay a dollar to hit it with a creme pie!  We are going to split the
proceeds from this to the shelter and to WSFA......
The event is Sunday, the 8th....from 11-4 at Klahanie Park in Issaquah.
You can get directions from me or Charleen Schuster at
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contact me at 253-854-3294
Well I hope we see you there and
Stay Fuzzy!!!!!
Michael McKinley <[log in to unmask]>
Washington State Ferret Association
[Posted in FML issue 2764]