I had a reply to my tubing idea..the person also mentioned that it was so
hot where she lives that she was going to get a kiddy wading pool for the
living room..when I read that I looked around my living room and took
inventory..isn't it amazing how ferret people will sacrafice a nice clean
clutter free home for their ferrets..I have countless balls on the floor,
2 empty plastic containers, 1 hair scrunchy, 1 pigs ear, a plastic bag 1
carrier on the hearth, 1 huge purple ferret ball, one 72 quart container
with rice and toys, on the coffee table is a ferret magazine, toe-nail
clippers, 2 tubes of laxatone, both squeezed (almost dry) and 1 tube of
ferret vite..AND THIS IS WHAT I CAN SEE..I have no idea what is under the
couches or the entertainment center..i'm scared..
[Posted in FML issue 2763]