>From:    "Jason G. Grimes" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Pawing at water-bottles
>Our two oldest ferrets have developed a pattern of pawing at the stem of
>their water-bottles.  It almost looks like they're wiping the stem off
>prior to drinking.... Anyone else ever see ferrets exhibit this behavior?
My Crysin often paws at the stem of the water bottle.  Of my five, he's the
only one I've seen doing this.  When I first saw him doing it, I thought
perhaps the bottle was empty or had gotten stopped up somehow, but I
inspected it and found that it was full and working properly.  I don't know
why he does it.  Anyone else have an explanation?
Mom of Zorro, Claudia, Loki, Fezzik, and Crysin
[Posted in FML issue 2763]