Whats up with this newgroup?  The only post I have seen in the last month
or so has been put up by one of the moderators.  I sent a post a while
ago and it never showed up.  It was strictly ferret related and well within
the guidelines.  I suspect other posts are sitting in limbo from others as
well.  I know in the past I have seen posts show up in there that were
posted in the unmoderated area several weeks before being posted up in rpf.
Its all old news.
Having a moderated newsgroup is great as long as its moderated in a timely
fashion.  Whats the sense in having a moderated group if the only posts
that make it to the board are from the moderators?  Or posts are held for
weeks before being put thru.
Bev Fox
North Coast Ferret Shelter
Ashtabula County, Ohio
Founding Member - IFWS
[Posted in FML issue 2789]