I have been receiving this post for a few months now and really do enjoy
reading about all the other fuzz-butts.  However, lately I skip most of
the letters.  Enough said about the Modern Ferret issue.  It's been talked
to death and there has to be more important issues out there than this.
It is wasting valuable space that could be used for much more important
subjects.  It seems as if this issue is all the rave lately.  Maybe a
separate list should be started to debate this hole thing.  My husband quit
reading this altogether because of the constant flames and age old debates.
I am not the only one that has been begging for a truce and a new topic.
So please can we all please just get along.  If anything destroys the
ground that our fuzzies have gained it will be the very same people who
don't stop to think twice about a situation before judging and condemning
[Posted in FML issue 2788]