>From:    Janne' Ronald <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Fancy Publications
>Even if you could prove it (which you haven't yet), last time I looked,
>free enterprise is not illegal and competition of this nature is quite an
>American phenomena.
Seeking a monopolistic control over the market is not free enterprise and
in many cases is illegal.  Taft act.  AT&T break up.  Standard Oil.  IBM.
Microsoft.  Remember it all now?
>From:    karen daigneault <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Timmy'sTonic ~ my two cents
>In my opinion, not just shelter operators
It hurts when we (yes we, its pretty tiring to have one of the two of us
bashed and the other ignored)  Yes.  It is a shame that sometimes thing we
think we need to say might well not feel good to others.  But you felt
free to make mistakes in claiming I/we was/were bashing shelters..
>I am a firm believer of homeopathic medicine to begin with.
Now heres the point.  You don't have to believe in real medicine.  Its
based on science.  Some of this herbal stuff is based entirely on belief.
There isn't science to back it.  Pseudo-science sometimes.  Some of the
herbal stuff is backed by science.  But you have to seperate the two rather
than just 'belive'.  Well you don't have to but it wouldbe better if you
did in our opinion.
>From:    FerretMom <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Timmy's Tonic
>Timmy's Tonic contains mostly herbs.  Many of these herbs have been
>proven to have a beneficial effect (such as the licorice root and elder
Tested in ferrets?  Its a new age witches brew as medicine.  Perhaps a
decent tasting 'tea' though.  Perhaps some bonus healthful advantages.
Its advertised with...
       "it's the most difficult to produce formula in the world!"
Rhetoric like that really sends up red flags.  No way is it true.
>I use it because I have found that my ferrets enjoy drinking some of the
>Timmy's Tonic mixed with water.
Well it is basically a funky flat root beer.  With other flavoring.  It
does have some flavors in it we like.  Some herbs can indeed have
beneficial results.  [bill] I take some myself (thanks for reminding me,
missed taking them earlier today) but too many do indeed treat Timmy's
Tonic as something that "saved my ferret".  Not likely.  No more likely
than Linatone would have "saved my ferret".  It is not medicine.  We feel
shelter especially those begging have far better things to spend money on
to do much better things for their ferrets.  But yes we can see how it
could be mildly beneficial in comparision to other things that could be
used as treats.  There were a couple warnings on why you need to be careful
with such a mixed bag of potential drugs (not all drugs are medicines)
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
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[Posted in FML issue 2788]