Dear Mary and Eric,
I finally received issue #24 and after reading all the rantings on Ferret
Digest, I was anxious to see what the "horrible" picture was about.  As
long as it's staged, and in the context that this is a Halloween issue,
people can sure get uptight about the littlest things!  There are other
magazines out on the market everywhere that aren't worth the powder it
would take to blow them up, but some people still want them.  That's fine,
just leave "our Modern Ferret" alone! :-)
After reading Bob C.s' message today saying that because of Petco being
asked to drop your magazine (which is plain assinine, and they will be
getting a letter from me!), you may have to quit publishing your magazine.
PLEASE TRY AND HOLD ON!!!!  Your magazine reaches out to so many of us and
until I found your magazine in the the store, I was sooooo hungry for every
little tidbit of information on ferrets.  I will say because of your
magazine, I am finally getting my "ferret fix", even if it is only every
other month.
I have, and so have many other ferret people, gotten so many tips and
information on taking care of our babies.  Because of your magazine I
discovered why my little DEW was a biter, she was deaf.  Changed the whole
way I worked with her and she's now a sweetie!
I can't imagine being without my Modern Ferret!  Please try and keep this
wonderful publication going.  Yes, I do subscribe to both your magazine and
Ferrets, but mainly because I have to have everything I can get my hands on
as far as ferret publications.  However, I will say, I look at their
pictures, read a few articles, then get bored with the content.  Probably
won't re-subscribe to their magazine.  However, I read your magazine from
cover to cover, even all the advertisements, and that is something I never
do for anything else!  I never get bored, just disappointed when I've read
the whole thing, sometimes more than once, and have to wait almost two
months for the next issue.  :-) Unfortunately I didn't know about your
magazine until I saw it in the store around the 4th issue.  Consequently I
missed the first three issues (although I did get the reprint of issue
#1.....still hoping I will run across #2 & #3 at a used bookstore or that
you will reprint them :-) ).
I just hope you will not have to quit your publication because of the
stupidity of big business and some little minds out there.  I do not have
to renew my subscription until issue #29 (or the issue before that one),
Bob C. suggests we "buy extra copies of the issue, use a felt-tip marker
to write on the front "I WILL NO LONGER BUY FROM YOUR STORE" and mail the
issues to PetCo."  This is what I will do.  Plus I will write to the
company and tell them how I feel.  (According to the web site, their
address is PETCO Animal Supplies, Inc., 9125 Rehco Road, San Diego, CA
92121, Att.: Customer Relations).  Maybe one letter won't help, but I am
hoping many letters will be sent and that will wake them up to the "real"
I wish you and all nine of your "babies" all the best.  Keep up the good
work and PLEASE, HANG IN THERE!!!  You have a great magazine and the true
ferret lovers out here will stand behind you (as has been done in the last
few issues of Ferret Digest).
mjo and the zoo (my nine babies) Phantom, Lady Star, Topanga, Ragine,
Bilbo, Frodo, Frito, Pepper, & Caesar and the dogs Garth and Darwin
[Posted in FML issue 2787]