Hello all,
Exhausted and happy after the Columbus, OH show this afternoon.  We really
wanted to enter some of our brood so that they would finally get the public
recognition <g> they so richly deserved, but we didn't find the show
schedule until this morning, when we realized vet checks were conducted
from 7-9am only.  Columbus is approx.  four hours from us, and we didn't
get on the road until a little after eight.  Ah well, the show in
Cincinnati is on Dec.  4th, so we'll drive up the night before and have
plenty of time to relax and train the ferrets to juggle, recite Plutarch,
grow opposable thumbs, and generally amaze the hell out of everyone.  Now,
that litter box is another story... far too mundane a skill for our haughty
wee ones !
Are we the only ones struck with the dread Ferret Guilt ?  I happily handed
over cash I could ill afford to spend to help the ferrets in their quest
for Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Gear.  They need another jingle ball
like I need a hole in the head, so of course I purchased two.  Midwest had
a truly wonderful corner sack, (more like an enclosed ferret "cave" with
very practical velcro straps to attach it securely to the cage), and a
entire twelve pack of Cheweasels to slobber and nosh on.  Need I mention
the " Beware- Attack Ferret" sign and assorted other ridiculous, happy,
fun things ?  The bitties are in a near-comatose state of bliss.
We have a new foster ferret, Callie, victim of the " novelty-has-worn-
off-and she's -sickly " mentality.  She is as least four , probably older,
and totally bald except for some wispy head fur.  Unbelievably, there is a
use for those cutesy little ferret t-shirts other than human amusement ...
they at least provide her with some warmth.  She likes them and her warm
lotion rubs.  She will not be around long ; huge mass in abdomen, mast
cell tumors, et all, but she is strong enough for surgery and is going in
Wednesday.  Keep your fingers and paws crossed.  By no means do I believe
this is a miracle cure that will restore her to good health, but she's
alert , happy, and ideally the surgery will make her a bit more
comfortable.  She deserves it.  I do hope this buys her a little time so
she can check out with a couple of good months under her belt.  I have
promised her I will care for her and let her go if she is in pain.  Neither
my love nor the vet's skill can make her well, but I promise her I will
love her until I am no longer needed, and will let her go swiftly , without
My household is quieting down.  The ferrets have eaten their fill ,
satisfied with the mischief they've dealt up this evening, and are curling
up for the night.  It's gorgeous here in Kentucky, the night is calm .
There is a beautiful moon out tonight, and everyone here is breathing easy.
Our best wishes to all of you.  Enjoy.
[Posted in FML issue 2787]