Laura asks:
>I noticed that she is losing a lot of her tail fur (very unusual for her)
>and that she has black spots all over her tail.  They are like blackheads
>that humans would get and they do pinch out, but very painful for her when
>I do that.  She is playing, eating, pooping, and of course getting into as
>much trouble as usual.  Does anybody have any idea what this could be?...
They are blackheads.  My PB (a DEW) has the very same problem.  I wash his
tail about once every two weeks with a mild soap.  I know of others who
have used shampoo designed for acne.  Washing the blackheads away will help
the hair grow back and make her tail less itchy.
Rachell writes:
>Some one told me that Ferrets love eggs.  I will NOT do anything until I
>get the OK from this site.
Some ferrets enjoy eggs alot.  They are a great source of high quality
protein.  They wouldn't constitute a complete diet tho.  As a treat or
extra they are great.  That being said, hard boil them.  Apparently raw
eggs have something in them that can make a fur kid anemic.
Matthew in CO.
"We have to work in the theatre of our own time,
with the tools of our own time" --Robert Edmond Jones
[Posted in FML issue 2762]