Hi Grace; Ok, the complete story & info is on Timmy's web site (url in my
sig., below).
In short, I was in the right place at the right time, discovering a multi -
herbal supplement I was taking for my chronic fatigue disability was most
helpful in helping my ferret beat a "terminal lymphoma" diagnosis.  The
baby food supplement grew into a recipe (which included the tonic), and the
latest version of the recipe is on his web site also.
Over a year after he was completely cured (a vet signed his name to
detecting no sign of the cancer about 5 months after the diagnosis), the
company making the tonic went out of business.  The following about 2 years
had 8 devine interventions that led me not only to a company that knew how
to make it, was willing, but waived the $45,000 custom formula fee and 2000
bottle minimum.  They basically hand make it in small quantities (that I of
course have to pay for in advance), and I print the labels, and put them on
by hand also.  A new line I'm adding is "hand made by people who care", as
it's the truth.
I've given it all the time in water next to the guys' regular pure water,
and their overall health, thickness and softness of coat, and play level is
above what I've see "before.  So it is useful not just for critical sick
kids, but all the gang.  Last year a shelter found a solution of Timmy's &
water made available 24hrs/day had completely stopped insulinoma
symptomatic space out sessions.
My last pet store ferret, Sadi, at 8 years old is just now showing signs of
having had a stroke.  It looked like the screaming seizures, but her eye
blinked when her eyelash was touched..  2 vets agreed it did not seem like
the usual seizure caused by a brain tumor, which is usually fatal,with
nothing but sedation available as a treatment.
Almost 2 weeks after her episode now, she is crawling out of her bed, even
though her rear legs are non functioning.  I have to clean, feed & water
her about every 3 hours, so we'll see how it works out..  Each evening I'm
also giving her about 20cc of ringers SubQ, with .25cc of B-17, a slowly
increasing amount of B complex in with it.  Every 2-3 days it also includes
about .2cc of Winstrol, injectable.  There has been noticeable gains in
strength & awareness with each item added.
She also takes Timmy's in water, and the recipe orally off the end of a
20cc syringe (no needle, of course)..  She licks her lips with good
interest and has to have her chin wiped every so often.  She's licking
almost a drop at a time, and eats maybe 10-40cc/sitting, and varying
amounts of the tonic water...
I'm very aware I can't do the round the clock feedings indefinitely, and
that would not be much of a life for her also..  Both vets consulted did
say at the outset though, that it would be worth seeing how well she might
recover, instead of not even trying.  If the time comes to help her cross,
it would be the first time I'd do so.  All the other kids did so in their
sleep after being given permission to leave, if they & God decided it was
time.  That happened from 4 hours to 2 weeks after giving permission.  (I
had first heard of the idea on the FML, and admit thought it was
impossible.  Some 9 kids later, i know well it is possible.  I guess time
will tell.  We're due to visit the vet to get his opinion today.
Take care,
  Gary & the gang of fur
Timmy's web site=<http://www.concentric.net/~Gferret/>; He's the
ferret totally healed from "terminal lymphoma" without drugs or surgery. :)
Timmy's Mailing List = http://www.onelist.com/subscribe.cgi/TimmyFerret
Timmy's Forum = http://forums.delphi.com/m/main.asp?sigdir=TimmyFerret
[Posted in FML issue 2786]