Dear Diane,
I live in the Houston area where ants are...well, we have quite an
abundance of those little critters.  It's the sugar ants that get into the
house.  There are a few things you can do.
a)treat the ant beds with insectiside (looks like rock salt)
b)have someone come in and spray on somewhat of a regular basis.  Our
  guy uses a type of natural insectiside. It does not smell.
c)Put out ant traps.  Now, the kind our bug guy gives us is wonderful
  (unsure of the brand), but the traps I got from the store are useless.
  The bug guy did suggest something called "Terro".  It's in an orange box.
  Just peel off one of the little squares, squirt a little of the "poison"
  onto the square and place it where the ants are located (though, of
  course, not in the ferret cage).  To the ants, this stuff tastes like
  sugar.  They usually either die on the spot or take the poison back to
  their nests.  And all you do is add new poison when need.
Hope this helps.  But of course, if you have gotten a lot of rain recently,
your fight against the ants are going to be almost useless.  These guys
will have entered your house to get away from the water.
Good luck
Lise and the seven fun loving criminals
[Posted in FML issue 2786]