I'm always shocked when I read the fees that some people are charged for
adrenal surgery.  When my little rescue, Molly, had to have adrenal surgery
in July, I tok her to the vet twice for antibiotics, and a general physical
before the surgery and once afterwards to have the stitches removed and all
the visits and surgery came in under $200.00.  I have a wonderful caring
vet who got his degree from Cornell and loves animals.  I didn't shop
around for a "cheap" vet and would have paid more if it would have been
necessary.  The only thing I didn't do is to have the tumor biopsied.  I
wouldn't have put her through chemo etc anyway so it didn't seem necessary.
She's doing great and is even growing back her fur.  I guess my point is
why do the costs differ so much?
[Posted in FML issue 2785]