The little female cat I brought back from shelter that got ill and
ultimately spread infection to one and all is on the mend.  I am still on
Amoxycillin, and two of my ferrets are still down: but they are finally
recovering.  Although now they all fake cough and gasp for attention.
I have been so ill and hot and exhausted that when I could not find the
little cat for hours at a time the last few days, I did not have the energy
to worry.  I just wondered how she could manage to hide better than a
ferret.  But this has been going on for 3 0r 4 days now.  And this morning,
I finally discovered where my small cat was.
I quickly grab 3 or 4 or 5 ferrets before I go to work, and put them in
the largest cage to keep the poop error drastically down.  I put the worst
offenders and the babies in the cage and then whoever else I find next.
This morning, it was just coincidence that I moved the heavy black blanket
covering the large cage.  It hides the upper quarter of the cage in
darkness and privacy and warmth.  [My electric bill has been several
hundred dollars a month because I leave the air conditioning on all day
for the guys, but they are still drawn to heat.]
I made the interior of the cage out of various things including different
sized boards and 4 hammocks.  Way up on the top right is a small wood area
for ferrets to sleep on.  Everything is padded with soft baby blankets.
Huddled up cozy in that small space was my little girl cat.  She was sound
Apparently I have been locking her in all day with the wee ones.  She must
like it or she would not return.  I can't imagine where else she could have
Blue-the little girl-did NOT want to come out of the cage.  She made the
most piteous cries as I dragged her body out of that small area.  I do not
think cats are meant to stay in cages.
I have decided that as she weasel war dances with the ferrets and has them
jumping like kangaroos, wants to sleep in their cage with them, and bonded
with them instantly that she must be part cat and part ferret.  Hence, I
seem to have that rare species---the Caerret.  Her orange and gold coloring
confirm this.  Thankfully, the Caerret always uses the litter box.[Eat your
heart out]
Alerted by a noise as I am writing this at this moment, I have just turned
my head to see what is going on.  Baby is bathing herself on the chair next
to me where my feet are propped.  And Chewy-almost directly behind me- has
just removed the top of a can in which I had placed about 15 pounds of
litter and has already kicked a substantial amount on the floor.  I swear
he is smiling
I am surrounded by expensive destructive stinky stinkers that require a
litter box per every 4 square feet to remind themselves where they might
visit the next time around.
And I am happy.
Chewy is now in the drawer below me, and as I look down, he is upside down
looking up at me.  He looks hysterically silly.  I am alone laughing out
Lovestruck everyday
[Posted in FML issue 2761]